
Individual Lessons for 2018-2019:
The basic individual lesson structure is 60 minutes of instructional time. This includes 30 minutes of individual instruction and 30 minutes of music technology/theory lab. The technology/theory time is scheduled directly before or after the lesson. Flex-Term and/or Advanced students add 15 minutes to individual instruction time.

Slots for individual lessons are limited and usually reserved for established Encore Studio students who have successfully completed beginning 20/20/20 lessons and are ready for more challenging study and committed practice.
The tuition is under the Regular Plan.
Technology/Theory Lab Time
The technology in the studio is intended to provide students with additional opportunities to build and reinforce various musicianship skills. Encore Studio provides an individualized program of music theory fundamentals, ear training, music appreciation/music history, and rhythm drills. This is based on the National Federation of Music Clubs’ levels of music theory. Also, students may play their assigned music with MIDI disks and a digital piano for accurate practice. Notation software is available for those who participate in composition activities. During this time, students may also be asked to work on theory worksheets or books, since they have the most success doing this in a monitored setting. Students will be scheduled to use the Lab tools before or after their lesson.  Students are expected to respect all studio property - to use equipment carefully, and only for instructional music purposes. Any damage or theft becomes your responsibility. If students are creating problems, the studio reserves the right to discontinue their equipment use, or in extreme cases to dismiss them from the studio.