
   Menehune Music—ages 4 - 6
Hawaiian for "Little One". Designed for 4, 5, and 6 year old students who are not yet reading fluently and/or have a shorter attention span. For the piano playing portion of the class two courses are used: Blast Off with Piano Junior and Menehune. Classes meet for 45 minutes, and 15 minutes of technology before or after class is optional. No outside practice is required, although students have music they are encouraged to play at home if they have a keyboard instrument available.

  • Performances are optional for Menhune Music students.
  • Concepts are taught through activities/games, songs, piano playing, and worksheets.
  • This is a 40 week course which prepares students for further music study. Classes will have up to 4 students.

Click here to schedule a free mini lesson!

Concepts include:       

  • Basic Pitch
  • Basic Music Symbols
  • Rhythm and Counting
  • Note & Rest Values
  • Keyboard Familiarity
  • Musical Alphabet
  • Intervals AND MORE!

Tuition is found here: Tuition

Technology/Theory Lab Time
The technology in the studio is intended to provide students with additional opportunities to build and reinforce various musicianship skills. Encore Studio provides an individualized program of music theory fundamentals, ear training, music appreciation/music history, and rhythm drills. Students will be scheduled to use the Lab tools before or after their lesson/class.  Students are expected to respect all studio property - to use equipment carefully, and only for instructional music purposes. Any damage or theft becomes your responsibility. If I find that students are creating problems, Encore Studio reserves the right to discontinue their equipment use, or in extreme cases to dismiss them from the studio.